Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have 2 questions. These 2 questions have been on my mind for an awfully long time and I really need to crack down and get some answers. First off, the year 2010 is quickly approaching. Times are tough and money is scarce. The weather is playing mind games on us like a sick David Blaine. As we reach this milestone that hits us 10 years after the Y2K bug bit so hard that El Nino got pissed and dropped a Mentos into a bottle of Coke (that was a metaphor, you should know the result; If you don't, you haven't lived), we ask ourselves important questions day in and day out, driving us crazy like the "breakfast mcmuffin bum" from Big Daddy. Honestly though, how do you go from co-staring in Armageddon with Bruce Willis to sleeping in a shopping cart and watching roller skaters trip over sticks? Where am I going with this?

Question 1: In the year 2010, will you say "Twenty-Ten" or "Two thousand and ten"? In 1910, we said "Nineteen ten", not "One thousand nine hundred and ten". That sounds silly, doesn't it? So I ask again, "Twenty ten" or "two thousand and ten"? For the sake of time, and based on our countries extreme level of lazyness, I'm going to jump on the phrase with less syllables. It's a tricky situation, I understand. I almost wish that congress would pass a bill on the proper way to address the year, and take that responsibility away from me. I just don't know if I could handle that pressure. Not that this is a matter of life or death (or maybe it is), but we should have some sort of rule set in stone. Go ahead and test yourself by saying random years in the 20's and see how it sounds. Nine out of ten times, I bet you'll choose the "twenty twenty" version. I suppose it's only a matter of time before we all must decide. The single digit years have to be pronounced "Two thousand and nine" because "Twenty Nine" would just get confusing. Do I make myself clear? Ask yourself, WWGWBD, then do the complete opposite.

Question 2: Social Security Numbers. I'm no math wiz, but won't we eventually run out of 9 digit combinations? Then what do we do? Add a 10th number? Add letters? This is mayhem. Not nearly as important as the whole pronounciation of the year question, but still extremely necessary to have an answer. If Einstein were still alive, he'd just multiply 9 times something and get an answer, but sadly he's no longer with us. If anybody knows of another math wiz with the likes of Big Al, please ask the question. With hundreds of people in the world already ("in the world" or "on the world" - damn, another question), we only have so much more time before a decision is needed. Obama, if you are reading this, WWGWBD? My vote is to switch to letters. That could be fun. I hope my future child is born with a SSN of 9 letters and it spells out "GOODSPORTS". I know, that's 10 digits, but you get my point.

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